Monday, May 7, 2007

Some Yarn Subs

Hi hi,

I'm very excited to get started on this, and thank you both for setting up this KAL!

I found a few really affordable substitute yarns and thought it would behoove me to share:

I should add as a disclaimer that I'm a grad student, so yes, I really search for inexpensive yarns.

- Vicki


Toya said...

thanks for posting these subs V, have you ever used the red heart before, I know some people try to stay away from it, lol

Vicki said...

Hi Toya,
I certainly understand the reservations. The Soft Baby is spun differently than regular Red Heart, so it really is remarkably soft, squishy, and nice to work with. The only limitation is in the colors available, but if someone were looking to do it in a lighter color, there are quite a few nice ones.
- Vicki